
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sy dah penat....

Hari ni xde ape yg best nk diciterkan..cume aq nk jer tulis mnde ni..klau la dy baca blog aq ni best..nk sgt dy tahu...

  • sy sdih sgt dpt knal awk..coz kjap jer!!!!
  • sy sdih sgt saat awk tnggalkan sy mcm 2 jer..apa slh sy!!!
  • sy sdih sgt awk mncul tau awk akn tggalkn sy lg!!!
  • sy sdih sgt pabila awk kata awk syg sy..klw syg nape wat sy cm ni!!!
  • sy sdih sgt pabila awk kata awk nk sy jd suri hidup awk..sume 2 tipuuuu!!!!!
  • sy dh penat tnggu awk..
  • sy dh penat syg awk..
  • sy dh penat cinta awk...
p/s >>> awk tidak lagi dhati sy...maafkan sy...T_T

I am tired…

Tired of always being alone..
Of not having anyone to love..
Tired of not having anyone to talk to.
More tired of not having anyone to listen to.

I am tired of not being able to laugh,
to really laugh and to giggle like a fool..

Tired of not having anyone to laugh with.

Tired of wearing the painted smile of a clown.

Tired of always being Rick of Rick’s Café
And never being Victor
Tired of finding diaries and realizing that
They are not written about me, but someone else.

Tired of always fighting for what is right…
Right prevails but I ultimately lose the important

things that were right for me.

I am tired of hope that is always deferred
My heart grows sicker waiting and hoping
for simple things that will never be.
The wait for nothing to happen is excruciating….

I have cared about everyone in my life.
Even cared about and cared for strangers in need.
I am so tired of being left behind and forgotten.
My heart has grown weary and sick.
Tired that no one cares about me….

I am tired of pouring my heart out in poetry.
Poetry that is never read by those it’s written for.
Poetry that sits in a dusty box on a basement shelf.
Words of love maybe written in vain, words disguising
an intense inner pain.

I am just tired of being lonely
Tired of living in memories and tired of weeping…
I am tired of looking at the stars and wishing upon them..and never getting my wishes..

Tired of caring, tired of loving, tired of waiting, tired of the deafening silence…

I am so tired….

to be continued jika masih diberi nafas olehNYA..

1 comment:

  1. tumpang lalu....saje nk post comment..
    >>aku jua penat
    >>i luv diz song... suara.
    >> like ur blog...


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